Friday, May 26, 2017

Prophecy given by K E Hagin

— Prophecy given by 
Kenneth E. Hagin 
October 19, 1980, 
RHEMA Bible Church, 
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Do not become discouraged
because the truth does not dawn
on your spirits all at once.
But keep meditating on the
facts of the Word.
The more you meditate on
that which is written,
And the more you meditate
on that which is said as one shall speak
under the anointing
and the inspiration of the Spirit,
then little by little it will become real to you.
And as on the inside of you,
in your spirit,
in your inner man,
it takes shape and form,
it will reshape your own spirit,
until you'll no longer be a
weakling, spiritually,
but you shall become strong,
and be able to stand,
and do the works the Lord
has called you unto,
and rule and reign and dominate in life,
as a king by Jesus Christ.
So do not turn away even because you do not
fully understand or see.
But let your mind be open and your spirit be
receptive and say thou,
"O blessed Holy Spirit,
unveil the truth unto my spirit,
that I may stand in the fullness of the provision of my Father,
For He is my Father.
I love Him and He loves me."
And so you will become that which He has

ordained that you should become, and rise
up to the level of the full privileges,
and rights, and authority,
and dominion of a son of God.
Rejoice and be glad,
and speak forth the Word of Faith.
Speak unto those circumstances
that have you bound.
And command them to leave,
and so you shall be loosed.
Speak unto the storm that appears on the
horizon of your life,
and say, "Peace be still,"
and there will be calm.
Learn what is yours,
and act upon it.
And it shall become yours in reality.

Thank you, Lord Jesus!

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