Thursday, May 25, 2017

Kenneth Hagin shares about his sister' death

Kenneth Hagin shares at 45 min:
Kenneth Hagan shares about his sister's death...

My only sister died at age 55 with cancer. She did not have to, but she did. God began to tell me two years ahead of time that she is going to die.... night after night I'd lay on my face and pray, I and tried to get God to change that... and He said, "No, don't ask me. She's going to die... don't ask me!" See, I have to tell my kin fokes the same thing I tell you.

He said, "See, five years ago you prayed her out of death." (He appeared to me in a vision and told me what was going to happen. She'd had one type of cancer then, but this was different and there was no relation between the two whatsoever.) And the Lord appeared to me then and said 'I'll give her five more years. And see, she has had five more years. She's saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, goes to a full gospel church, and teaches in Sunday school. But, He said, "She didnt try to build her faith. She hasn't done one thing about it. She has not one time listened to one of your radio programs and you are on every day, ... she has not read one single of your books, and she could have all of them. She didnt listen to one of your tapes. She didn't do one thing to build up her faith." (Like Smith Wigglesworth said, 'if you wait till your sick to build up your faith- then you're too late.') "So, dont even ask Me."

Story at 45 min

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