Thursday, May 2, 2024

What Will Heaven Be Like? Randy Alcorn

 [Where are you going on vacation this year?  How long have you researche and planned for it? Are you excited?  Already mentally packing?  What about our ultimate destination?  What about Heaven?  Shouldn’t we have some cool thoughts and excitment about our eternal home?  Randy Alcorn wrote a book about it.  It’s a good book you might want to check out.  It’s named, “Heaven.”]  

What Will Heaven Be Like? By Randy Alcorn

Scripture gives us many images that are full of implications about Heaven. Put them together, and these jigsaw pieces form a beautiful picture. For example, we’re told that Heaven is a city (Hebrews 11:10; 13:14). When we hear the word city, we shouldn’t scratch our heads and think, I wonder what that means? We understand cit- ies. Cities have people, buildings, activities, gatherings, art, music, athletics, events of all kinds, and goods and services.

Heaven is also described as a country (Hebrews 11:16). We know about coun- tries. We also know what Earth is like, and thus we know much of what the New Earth will be like. If we can’t imagine our present Earth without rivers, mountains, trees, and flowers, then why would we try to imagine the New Earth without these features?

If the word Earth means anything, it means that we can expect to find earthly things there—including atmosphere, mountains, water, trees, people, houses—and even cities, buildings, and streets (which are specifically mentioned in Revelation 21–22).

Just as a new car is a better version of an old car—but with all the same essential components (four wheels, an engine, trans- mission, steering wheel, etc.), so too will the New Earth be a far better version of the old Earth, but with the same essential physi- cal components.

The New Earth will be God’s dwelling place, but it will also be fashioned by God for resurrected people to live there. We’ll love our eternal home, and we’ll love being with Jesus and his family—which will be our family forever.

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