Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Lonely Walk Sometimes

This is my understanding in with my walk with God. Sometimes when you walk close with God, like Jesus walked close with God, there are no human beings who reach your level. Read Watchman Nee's book, 'The Normal Christian Life', and you will find that the rest of the Christians are abnormal.

Most Christians are so earth-bound, and I find it sometimes a chore to fellowship with them. But you have to, because you have got to help them, you have got to come down to their level. They are so earth-bound they talk about carnal things, worldly things. Not that we are not responsible in that area; we have got to plan, to carry out our earthly responsibilities, but I find the majority of Christians are earth-bound. Very few live in the heavenly realm. Sometimes, when you walk very close with God and you look around, there is no one at your level, and it is lonely; no one understands some of those things of the spirit. It is not lonely in the sense you do not have God. You have God but every human being likes fellowship, we like people, but it gets lonely. Think about Jesus. Thirty-three years of His life, He lived with people who could not understand Him. He walked in a realm where nobody understood Him.
Ps Peter Tan


  1. I would say God makes you lonely so you can be freed from mans opinions. Your such a slaves to man's opinions that he allow men to misunderstand you. John 8. They called him names, bads one. Even a child who came out of warlock. Bottom line is, Jesus was tempted in all areas and he learned obedience in his suffering. He will not make you go down a road he has not been down. It's about Jesus not about us. We have to die and when we die, we don't notice how lonely we are. We will be dead.

  2. It depends on how you take it, Jesus is a remarkable, he still has joy. I know you may feel lonely because nobody seems to bother you, and when you need help, sometimes the person you call up cannot give answer to you. But the person who walks in the Spirit is different because he sees things differently and acts differently. But I find that it is important to fit with others, you know, even when they seem to be like this all the time. The Lord will lift you up. In Heaven, you would still need to live with them, it is also a process of humbling, rather than a chore. Spend your time with the Lord, when you need help, he would lead you up. Learn to mix with them. Enjoy your journey, don't look it so bad, the hardest time to you is normal in the eye of God and he has not abandoned you. Yeah, and they did not understand at first until the Lord enabled them.
