Sunday, May 12, 2024

Know Your Value…

 For sure… the enemy wants your value to depend on the way others see you and on the feed back that they give you.  And when the feedback is negative or even if there is NO feedback… you can not listen to the voices that cut you down and belittle you… you have to break that off and receive the truth of who you are in the Lord.  You are a child of the king.

This Dr. Kris is someone I like to listen to a couple of times a week.  I wish she was one of my instructors in my assigned classes, but I have to watch her as an outside curriculum.  This is one of her classes… I am not going to attend as my platter of duties is already full.  But, in the future she will be putting out some youtubes that share some of the tidbits.  Look her up on youtube and listen while you twiddle around with dishes or work in the garage.  ๐Ÿ™‚ sj๐Ÿฆ‹

Kris Reece Shares:

I made a pretty big blunder this past weekend.  ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

If you tried to sign up for our upcoming workshop on your phone, you were likely taken to the wrong check out page. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♀️

I realize this doesn't sound like a big deal in the scheme of life, but I found myself getting worried.

Not worried in the 'I don't trust God', kinda way....

My worry was in the form of 'what you might think of me' kinda way.

Yeah, I know, it sounds silly. ๐Ÿ˜’

But if you've been in toxic relationships long enough, you know how ingrained it is to think everything is your fault and your flaws are unforgivable.

So, every once in a while, when I make a mistake, my mind automatically goes to....'how will this be used against me?'

But I know that's not you.

I know that you too are tired of conforming to the opinions and expectations of toxic people just to keep the peace.

It's exhausting and so unfulfilling.

Saying 'sorry' just to end the argument....

Keeping quiet just so they won't leave me....

or worse, exploding like a pressure cooker, only to be labeled 'the problem'.

I just wanted to be valued and appreciated for who I was, but the problem was....I had no idea who I was outside of what others thought of me. 

That was until God stepped in and showed me the divine strengths that he bestowed upon me....

the strengths that were meant for my good and His glory....

the strengths that broke me out of unhealthy relationships and toxic thinking....

the very strengths that brought me to you. ๐Ÿ’•

My friend, you too have divine strengths.  ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

I know, I know, they're likely hidden beneath the rubble of power plays and people pleasing....

but somewhere in there is the ability to confidently set limits with the takers in your life and boldly be all that God created you to be - no apologies necessary!

I want to help you discover that.

So, I want to invite you to join me this Tuesday May 14th at 5pm EST for a 90 min LIVE workshop to Unlock Your Divine Strengths to Overcome Toxic Relationships.

My heart is to help you break free from toxic people that suck the life out of you, conquer self doubt once and for all and build unshakeable confidence that others can't help but notice. 

Will you join me? This is going to be bondage breaking!

And don't worry, we've checked and triple checked.....the link is working ๐Ÿ‘

Click here for all the details.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Wigglesworth Took Communion Daily

Taking Communion Daily. Smith Wigglesworth 
Written by Kenneth Copeland 

 One of my heroes of faith is Smith Wigglesworth, an early 20th-century healing evangelist from England. Mr. Wigglesworth was perhaps one of the boldest men of faith ever to walk this earth. But he wasn't always that way. 

Being raised in a poor family, and forced to work hard-labor jobs from the time he was six years old, Mr. Wigglesworth had no formal education and didn't learn to read until he was an adult. 

He became a plumber by trade, and a successful one. But when he married a woman who was called to preach, Mr. Wigglesworth soon came face-to-face with the calling of God that was on his life as well - a calling which he did everything he could to avoid. 

You see, Smith Wigglesworth was extremely introverted, and very embarrassed of his lack of education. When he first entered public ministry with his wife, Mr. Wigglesworth was scared out of his wits just to stand on a platform and say his name. When he read scripture out loud, he would stutter and stumble through the reading. Afterward, he would say, "If anyone has anything to say, let them say it now - I'm done." Then he would walk off the platform and sit down. His wife usually ended up doing the preaching. 

Nonetheless, deep in the heart of this stuttering introvert was great conviction and passion for God. Mr. Wigglesworth absolutely refused to let the sun go down without his having witnessed to and won at least one soul to Jesus each day. So where was all that boldness for which Mr. Wigglesworth became so well known? Well, when Mrs. Wigglesworth passed away, she left her husband after having done all she knew to do to get him to yield to the call of God on his life. But he just would not give in to it - at least, not while she was around to do the preaching. So before she died, she made an agreement with the Lord that she would go on to heaven in order to get Smith in the will of God. But even that almost didn't work. 

On the day Mr. Wigglesworth's wife died, he prayed for her to be raised from the dead...and she was. "You're not leaving me!" he told her when she came back to life. "What will I do?" "Smith, you are going to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ!" she said. "I'm leaving now do the will of God!" Then she laid her head down on the pillow and left. Once she was gone, Mr. Wigglesworth repented and repented and repented and repented, and finally accepted his call. But that was only the beginning. 

The real change in Smith Wigglesworth did not come until he started getting up every day at 4 a.m. to take Communion. Like clockwork, every day he would begin the day remembering his covenant with Almighty God by taking the bread and the cup. Every day, he lived under the influence of that covenant. And every day, he became more and more bold - until, finally, he became one of the boldest men of God in history. ....

✿⊰ B e l i e v e ⊰✿

Monday, May 6, 2024

New Facebook Group of Encouragement and Support

๐Ÿ˜ I started a group for encouragement to those who have the gift of discernment and find that it is sometimes overwhelming.

The group will focus on spiritual warfare, discernment, and the authority of the believer. We want to encourage all of us to be who we are called to be for the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Remember to answer the questions. ๐Ÿ˜


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Randy Alcorn: Is Heaven a real place?

**Will Heaven (the New Earth) Be an Actual Place?** Randy Alcorn Jesus told his disciples, “I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:3). He uses spatial terms to describe Heaven. The word where refers to a location. Likewise, the phrase “come back and take you” indicates movement and a physical destination. 

 If Heaven isn’t a place, in the full sense of the word, would Jesus have said it was? If we reduce Heaven to something less than or other than a place, we strip Christ’s words of their meaning. 

 We do not long for a non-body, non-Earth and non-culture, but for a new body, New Earth, and new culture, without sin and death. This is all part of longing for the resur- rection of the dead, which is at the heart and soul of the Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15). 

 Jesus said to his disciples, “At the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matthew 19:28). He could have said “at the destruction of all things,” but he said “renewal” instead. “All things” means that this present earth is bursting with suggestions of what the New Earth will be like. What will be gone is not Earth and our bodies, but sin and death and the Curse! 

 Peter preached, “[Christ] must remain in heaven until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets” (Acts 3:21). 

 In Heaven, the full-length book, I cite dozens of passages where the prophets spoke of the coming restoration of the earth. This is why Peter said, “In keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness” (2 Peter 3:13).
