Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Intercessory Dreams

Jennifer Eivaz:

Just like God speaks to us day and night, the

intercessor often prays to God both day and night. Our spirit stays awake and we will pray while we sleep. 

The intercessory dream, much like the mysteries we pray out in our prayer language, will bypass our logic and rational minds and get to the root of spiritual problems overcoming them in the night. 

You can experience in a dream long, intense fighting using different kinds of weapons, or see yourself doing the work of a "sniper" against an enemy or a demonic spirit. 

Some will dream that they are on a military assignment and are protecting something very valuable with everything they've got. 

How these dreams express themselves can be endless, and intercessors will often tell you that these kinds of dreams can be exhausting! If you are having such dreams, I want to assure that the Lord will give you His strength to intercede in this manner. It's not just a dream. You are really praying and having an impact.

My prayer for you today: Heavenly Father, You never sleep and You never slumber. You are Our protector both day and night and are calling for intercessors to be on duty day and night, even in their sleep. I ask You to release dreams of intercession in the night. Dreams that watch, dreams that protect, and dreams that dismantle demonic plans sent against your people and the cities they live in. I ask that You not allow Satan to use the cover of night to get his plans accomplished to steal, kill, or destroy. In Jesus name. ~ Amen.

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