Friday, October 11, 2013

Ps Tan: Spirit of Wisdom

Fatherly Talk 5.01            
The Spirit of Wisdom

Dearly Beloved
The Bible declares that wisdom is the principle thing (Proverbs 4:7). At the very beginning of all creation, the attribute of wisdom was released (Proverbs 8:22-23). There are many blessings associated with wisdom:
·         Those who love wisdom will inherit wealth (Proverbs 8:21).
·         Kings, princes and judges need wisdom in order to rule. If you want to be a great leader, then the wisdom of God must be present (Proverbs 8:15-16).
·         Riches and honour are found in wisdom (Proverbs 8:18).
·         Enduring riches and righteousness are found in wisdom (Proverbs 8:18).
·         Whoever finds wisdom, finds life and receives favour from the Lord (Proverbs 8:35).

The above are but a tiny sampling of the blessings of wisdom and we should pay heed to the phrase that wisdom is the principal thing and ‘in all your getting, get wisdom’ (Proverbs 4:7). The New Testament advocates that we pray for wisdom without doubting (James 1:5-6). Wisdom is a Spirit which can be imparted via the laying on of hands like Moses did with Joshua (Deuteronomy 34:9). It is a gift which can be received overnight like Solomon did in a dream (1 Kings 3:5-15; 5:12). It can be combined with other aspects of God’s Spirit like revelation producing light which impacts the eyes of our understanding (dianoia) (Ephesians 1:17).

1.       There is a worldly wisdom which is different from spiritual wisdom (James 3:15).
a.       The wisdom of the Spirit is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits (James 3:17). The wisdom of the world produces strife, envy, self-seeking, confusion resulting in sensuality and evil (James 3:14-15).
b.      The wisdom of the Spirit is humble and meek whereas the wisdom of this world is proud and boastful (James 3:13-14; 1 Corinthians 8:1).
c.       The wisdom of the Spirit of God is like foolishness to the carnal man and vice versa (1 Corinthians 2:14; 3:19).

2.       We must receive the Spirit of wisdom before we are enabled to do all that God wants us to do.
a.       Joshua needed to be filled with the same Spirit of wisdom that Moses had in order to lead the Israelite nation (Deuteronomy 34:9).
b.      God filled all the artisans of the Tabernacle of Moses with His Spirit of wisdom to enable them to build, sew or create for His temple (Exodus 28:3; 31;3, 6; 35:26). In these last days, God will be filling His New Testament people with His wisdom in order for them to build the last day church.
c.       Joseph was promoted to head the whole of Egypt because Pharaoh saw the wisdom of the Spirit through his spoken words and advice (Genesis 41:38-39). Many Christians today desire to rise to be the head and not the tail; they desire to excel in their jobs, businesses, ministries and professions. The key is to tap upon the Spirit of wisdom and operate in it. When the wisdom is seen in your words, actions and ways, God will promote you and give you grace, favour and honour.
d.      Before Daniel and his friends were recognised and promoted promotion, they were given wisdom by God (Daniel 1:1-20). Wisdom always precedes advancement in this life. If you want to be successful both in the natural world and in the Spiritual World, you need to receive the Spirit of wisdom first. We advance in both natural and spiritual worlds in proportion to the wisdom of God incorporated into our lives and being. In the Spiritual World, those living creatures (zoon) around the throne, angels, spirits of redeemed men and women made perfect who have the greatest impartation of the Spirit of wisdom in their lives govern with authority and love the Spiritual and material Universe of God’s creation.

3.       Wisdom flows in three areas: knowledge and understanding, methodology and style, anticipation and prediction.
a.       Knowledge and understanding
It is privilege to know how things work, its functions, creation and mysteries. Wisdom seeks this out; it seeks to understand and know for the joy of knowing God through His creation (Romans 1:20). Such knowledge can be gained through an impartation of God’s Spirit of wisdom. Solomon’s wisdom surpassed all the wise men of his time, all the men of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt (1 Kings 4:29-31). He spoke of trees, animals, birds, creeping things, fish, three thousand proverbs and on thousand and five songs (1 Kings 4:32-34). I personally believe that today, if we seek and pray to God for wisdom to understand any of His mysteries and even of the creation and inventions of men, that God will give the Spirit of wisdom to do so. It may take time for the wisdom to be imparted (more because of our ability to receive than God’s ability to give) but pray in faith and God will give the wisdom in all areas of skill, professionalism, arts, or science or any new field of knowledge (James 1:5).
b.      Methodology and style
One key area missing in the wisdom of Solomon was that he was wise in knowing things but not in his lifestyle and morality. In lifestyle and morality, he was foolish. David, who did make some mistakes in lifestyle and morality, basically had a great wisdom in methodology and style. He might not have understood the mysteries of creation and science like Solomon or Daniel had but he had wisdom in how to conduct himself (with a few failures when his guard was down – no one is perfect). When David became the most popular man in Israel (he had his own ladies fanclub who sang songs about him to his embarrassment), he behaved wisely (1 Samuel 18:5-8). Even though Saul eyed him jealously, and in a fit of jealousy threw a spear at David, David continued to behave wisely in ALL his ways (1 Kings 18:14). In fact, Saul was afraid of the wisdom of David whereas all of Israel loved him (1 Kings 18:15-16).

David was cast into a very difficult political situation when Abner who was controlling the eleven tribes who did not make David king yet (David was only king of Judah in his first seven years and six months – 2 Samuel 5:4-5), was murdered by Joab, David’s top general. It would have been easy for people to conceive that David had plotted to kill Abner and take control of all Israel. In spite of all this, David behaved wisely and correctly, and through his decision not to eat but to mourn publicly for Abner, the whole of Israel knew that it was not David’s intention to kill Abner (2 Samuel 3:36). His wisdom in such areas was so great that whatever he did pleased the people even when he was seeking to please God (2 Samuel 3:36). Such wisdom was also in Jesus and Jesus was in favour with God and with men (Luke 2:40, 52). It was difficult for Jesus to submit to earthly imperfect parents yet Jesus did it in style and increased in wisdom in favour with God and men.

All of us who are successful in this life, both ministry and profession or business, must pray about the wisdom of God in how we live our lives. Decisions like where we live, what we wear and what transportation we use are going to impact people indirectly and directly. We need to be wise in this area. Is it worth it to lose souls because of our lifestyle? No one is perfect and I am sure that of the thousands of earthly things that we surround ourselves with in this life that there are sure to be some areas that would not please everyone but the main thing is to live like Paul where we learn in all things to be contented, learning to abound and to be abased (Philippians 4:12). Many things may be lawful and rightful for us but are they expedient? (1 Corinthians 6:12) In  speaking about his authority over demons and idols and his right to eat foods at the markets even though they have been offered to idols, Paul says that all things are lawful but not all things are expedient or helpful because all things do not edify (1 Corinthians 10:23, 25-27). For all ministers and leaders, when you choose to follow God’s call you chose to live in a glass house. It is not just what you know that is important but also how you live and your lifestyle that is equally important. A picture paints a thousand words. A lifestyle paints ten thousand pictures.

c.       Anticipation and prediction
Wisdom is demonstrated in its ability to anticipate an outcome based on present analysis of people and actions or even predict an outcome based on available knowledge. God is able to predict and anticipate all human success and actions based on what is in their heart (Genesis 6:5-7; Deuteronomy 31:21). God knew Abraham that he would continue in his ways by his present actions of keeping his whole household in obedience to God (Genesis 18:18-19). Joseph by the wisdom of God knew the purpose of the fruitful years and how to survive the seven years of famine (Genesis 41:33-36). The apostle Paul knew by looking at the council that his best defence was to stand on his belief in the resurrection (Acts 23:6). The ability to live in the last days being aware of the rise of the anti-Christ and his influence rests not in just the prophetic ability to foretell but also in the Spirit of wisdom (Revelation 13:18).
All wisdom is now available in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:20). We need to understand that the purpose why God created us so that we are always dependent on His wisdom and not our own minds and strength is so that no flesh can glory in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:19).  That we may all be able to kneel down and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and bow in humble worship before the lamb of God, the source of all our wisdom.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart (where God’s wisdom reside) and lean not on your own understanding, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5, 6). This whole proverb (Proverbs 3) is expressing our dependence on the Spirit of wisdom (Proverbs 3:7, 13-22).

May God increase His Spirit of wisdom and revelation upon our lives. Amen.
In Christ Jesus
Ps Peter Tan

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